Found out your article from a google search and it's the most helpful collection of official references and your valuable personal experiences. Thank you for sharing!

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Hi Amy. Thanks for sharing these resources. I noticed you took the test before the update. Are all of these resources recommended for the new test (July 2023)? thanks,

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Hey Amy, how were you able to write the new exam? From the website it looks like it says this version is available in July of 2023. Did you just use the new outline to study for the old test?

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Hey Jonathan, the exam I took turned out to be the old one! The announcement from PMI about the official 2023 exam date happened after I took my exam. Before that, there were no official dates, so I incorrectly made the assumption that because I was taking the exam in 2023, that it was the 2023 exam.

That said, I did study the concepts of PMBOK 6 through the resources listed above, so I still felt prepared.

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